Lift Mate Wiring Instructions for Elite Remote Boat Lift Controller

WARNING: The Lift Mate Device Must Never Be Connected To Any Voltage Other Than 5-32VDC or 12-24VAC!

See wiring diagram for Elite Remote below:

Elite Remote Wiring Diagram For Lift Mate

Elite Remote Wiring Instructions

(Reference Wiring Diagram Above)

  1. Insure power is disconnected to Elite Remote by either unplugging or shutting off breaker.
  2. Remove the 4 panel screws and flip the panel out of the way.
  3. Locate the circuit board on the left side of the control box and pull it upward to access the terminal strip screws.
  4. Locate the two red T-Tap connectors included in your Lift Mate box and crimp one on the brown (24VA) wire and one on the blue (24VB) wire coming from the circuit board and leading to the transformer.  Ensure the T-Tap connectors are close to the transformers so they will not impede panel re-installation.
  5. Once the T-Tap connectors are installed, please plug each end of the power cable into the T-Tap connector.  Polarity does not matter so the red or black wire can be connected to the blue or brown.
  6. From the Lift Mate, locate the blue, black, and purple wires.  Loosen the terminal block screws for KUP, KDOWN, & GND.  Install the blue wire in the KUP position, the purple wire in the KDOWN position, and the black wire in the GND position and tighten the terminal block screws ensuring the wires are secure in the terminal block.
  7. For control boxes that are not auto-run, please skip steps 7 & 8.  Locate the red and black wires tied together from the Lift Mate device.  These wires enable your stop command.  Remove the black wire from the limit switch GND position and install the black wire from the Lift Mate stop command in it’s place.  Then take the black removed limit switch ground wire and attach it to the red wire from the Lift Mate stop command with the included orange wire nut.
  8. From the Lift Mate Limit Switch Sensor, take the blue wire and add into the blue limit switch terminal block position L21.  Take the red wire from Lift Mate Limit Switch Sensor and add it into the GND terminal that black stop command wire from the Lift Mate is in.
  9. Prior to panel installation, you may power up the control box and make sure the Lift Mate device LED light is blinking fast.  This means you have performed the installation correctly and ready to set up your device through the Lift Mate app.
  10. The Lift Mate and Limit Switch Sensor, along with the additional wiring, may be tucked in front of the transformer area prior to panel installation.  See below photo.
  11. Prior to installing the panel, please make sure you shut off power again.
  12. Download the Lift-Mate app and when at the home page, hit the button to install a new device.  The app will automatically set up the device.  Please go to our Support Page: Interface Configuration Settings for an explanation of proper settings for your particular lift configuration.

The support page has a video showing how to install the T-Tap Connectors.  The plug ends have already been crimped on the appropriate wires from the Lift Mate device.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at